The 1920's: "The Roaring Twenties"
undergarments, hosiery, dresses, men's shirts, and ties.
The greatest contributor to the robust U.S. economy
however was the automobile industry. It was booming
and its skillful advertising enticed buyers from all
economic classes. This period is noted for consumerism,
fueled by the increase in installment payment plans.
was the era when the artwork of Erté graced the
covers of Harper's Bazar. The top fashion magazines
promoted many couture designers in Paris, but the
undisputed fashion leaders were Patou and Chanel who
created the looks women wanted. The sports dress
dominated by mid decade complete with a cloche hat
and bar shoes. Menswear also adopted casual comfort as
the cardigan sweater and flat cap were popularized.
20's were also characterized by rebelliousness and
the spirit of the freedom-loving flapper permeated
society. In America, people defied the Volstead Act and
secretly drank alcohol during Prohibition at speakeasies
and home parties. The law encouraged underground
activity that led to bootlegging, racketeering, and turf
wars between competing gangster clans. But the people
were emersed in another world enjoying life's pleasures.
were dancing to jazz music at a nightclub or
listening to it through the speaker of their Victrola at
home. They were going to an amusement park or to the
movie theater to see their favorite Hollywood movie
star. Or out playing tennis or a round of golf. They were
redecorating their home with new furnishings in "le
style moderne" (later to be called Art Deco). They were
shopping for the dress they saw in Vogue and were
delighted to discover the increasing number of ready-
made replicas at a good price. It was all good in the 20's!